Ni Hao (hello) from China! I can’t believe we are really here. The food, the SIGHTS, the people, everything is amazing. We are having the time of our lives.
I’ll start from the beginning. Our flight from DFW was running quite late. We were supposed to leave at 8:30 and at that time, the plane hadn’t even arrived. I was about to lose it. I thought for sure we would end up missing our connecting flight because of the delay. Then the announcer came on and told everyone to line up immediately so we could all get loaded on and take off. The plane landed, unloaded, we got on and we were out of there in a total of 10 minutes of it landing. No joke. I had never seen that before.
We made the connection with no problem. Then the flight to Guangzhou. Only one word sums it up: painful. It was a 15 hour flight. Thankfully there were several other adopting couples on the flight so we all compared notes, show off our pictures, and play games. Barely any sleep was had, but not by choice. Then we had to board another plane to Beijing. The total amount of hours from the time we got to DFW until we landed in Beijing was 28. I weep a little every time I think of the flight home with a toddler.
So, after being up for about 42 hours straight (and only 4 hours of sleep the night before that) I was too exhausted to post yesterday. There was just no way. All three of us crashed and sure enough woke up around 2 a.m. this morning.
On to the good stuff. The sight seeing today was phenomenal. The itinerary had changed slightly, so today we saw the Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square, Summer Palace, and Temple of Heaven. I would not be able to accurately describe these ancient sights, but we stood in amazement as we gazed at their beauty.
Lunch today was, well, interesting. I had committed myself to eating only vegetables but since they had a fried, battered fish I thought it would be fine. I went to cut the fish and first off, the skin was still on it (so were the fins and the tail!). I tried to look past that and eat only the meat, but when an eyeball popped out at me, I had to draw the line. I still gag a little when I think of it. Anyone that knows me is probably shocked since I’m a huge sushi fan. But no, that really creeped me out. However, I ate with no difficulty a raw worm at the silk factory and grossed out everyone, even the tour guide. It actually tasted quite good.
Tomorrow is the Great Wall and Ming Tombs. Only 3 more days until Brooklyn! I hope that I will be able to post pictures soon. The computer here in the hotel has an extremely slow connection and keeps disconnecting while I load the pictures. Hopefully tomorrow you can see some of the amazing pictures.
I’ll start from the beginning. Our flight from DFW was running quite late. We were supposed to leave at 8:30 and at that time, the plane hadn’t even arrived. I was about to lose it. I thought for sure we would end up missing our connecting flight because of the delay. Then the announcer came on and told everyone to line up immediately so we could all get loaded on and take off. The plane landed, unloaded, we got on and we were out of there in a total of 10 minutes of it landing. No joke. I had never seen that before.
We made the connection with no problem. Then the flight to Guangzhou. Only one word sums it up: painful. It was a 15 hour flight. Thankfully there were several other adopting couples on the flight so we all compared notes, show off our pictures, and play games. Barely any sleep was had, but not by choice. Then we had to board another plane to Beijing. The total amount of hours from the time we got to DFW until we landed in Beijing was 28. I weep a little every time I think of the flight home with a toddler.
So, after being up for about 42 hours straight (and only 4 hours of sleep the night before that) I was too exhausted to post yesterday. There was just no way. All three of us crashed and sure enough woke up around 2 a.m. this morning.
On to the good stuff. The sight seeing today was phenomenal. The itinerary had changed slightly, so today we saw the Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square, Summer Palace, and Temple of Heaven. I would not be able to accurately describe these ancient sights, but we stood in amazement as we gazed at their beauty.
Lunch today was, well, interesting. I had committed myself to eating only vegetables but since they had a fried, battered fish I thought it would be fine. I went to cut the fish and first off, the skin was still on it (so were the fins and the tail!). I tried to look past that and eat only the meat, but when an eyeball popped out at me, I had to draw the line. I still gag a little when I think of it. Anyone that knows me is probably shocked since I’m a huge sushi fan. But no, that really creeped me out. However, I ate with no difficulty a raw worm at the silk factory and grossed out everyone, even the tour guide. It actually tasted quite good.
Tomorrow is the Great Wall and Ming Tombs. Only 3 more days until Brooklyn! I hope that I will be able to post pictures soon. The computer here in the hotel has an extremely slow connection and keeps disconnecting while I load the pictures. Hopefully tomorrow you can see some of the amazing pictures.
At Sat Aug 26, 09:45:00 AM PDT ,
Anonymous said...
Ashley, I called your Mom this morning and went to check out your blog with her on the phone. I read her your update and she is thrilled that you're there and safe! I'm still on the phone with her now and she just let your Dad know as well.
Your Mom says that she loves you so much! She can't wait until you come home, but she is very excited for all that you are able to do and see over there. (no comment on eating the worm though!)
And we love ya lots too Ash...I am so glad that you have this blog so we can track your adventures and that so your Mom knows that you are still alive! :) XOXOXOXO
At Sat Aug 26, 10:09:00 AM PDT ,
Anonymous said...
So great to see your update! I LOL at the fish eye! I think I will give you the nickname of W.E.A. Worm eatin' Ashley! :) Can't wait to hear more!
At Sat Aug 26, 11:24:00 AM PDT ,
Anonymous said...
Hey Ashley, I am so happy to read about your adventures so far. It was great because the s and I and Brianna Hallmark drove by your house on Wednesday and Thursday and both days we commented on what those days brought to you and your family. It was exciting! We thought of you on Thursday when you would be arriving in China! Yay. Have a great time and I will be counting down with you to Tuesday! :) Yah, the fish thing shocked me! I can't believe you didn't eat it! Love ya,
At Sat Aug 26, 11:32:00 AM PDT ,
Anonymous said...
Ashley, I am SO happy for you guys and all I can think to write is: "No Sleep Till Brooklyn!" Literally, huh? ;) (It's a Beastie Boys song. I'm not a huge fan, but I can't get the song out of my head!!)
Glad you arrived safely and are getting some quality sight-seeing in before your big day with your daughter. Give her a big squeeze from her Auntie Patti and her new buddies, Alena & Katrina.
Be safe & God bless!
At Sat Aug 26, 12:23:00 PM PDT ,
Mary, Jason, & Maya said...
A worm!! You crazy girl! You could not convince this sushi lover to do that. You sure are brave. So what will it be next?
I am so glad you are having a good time and seeing so much. We didn't make it to the Summer Palace or the Ming Tombs, so bring back lots of pictures please.
I am checking your blog constantly. Maya and I are doing the countdown till we get to see Brooklyn. I am so excited for you!
At Sat Aug 26, 07:18:00 PM PDT ,
Anonymous said...
oh Ashley! Im so excited you are THERE! you can actually count down the HOURS now instead of months and weeks until you see beautiful little Brooklyn and hold her in your arms!
You go girl for eating that worm! But yeah, I too would habe gagged with the eye! bleck! (shivering!)
can't wait till the next update sweety!
At Sun Aug 27, 12:33:00 PM PDT ,
Anonymous said...
OK, so let me get this gagged at seeing an eye, but you ate a RAW WORM. I can't decide if you'd make a good candidate for Fear Factor or not. I need more evidence before making a decision. For the record, both of those "menu" items would have grossed me out completely, so I'm impressed.
So glad you set up this site! I'm dying to see pictures.
All our best, Heidi and family.
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