I just had an entire post typed out and four pictures loaded on, but sure enough it did not post. *sigh*
We will be leaving Beijing for Kunming, Yunnan in just an hour. We will be only a few miles from Brooklyn and it will take every ounce of self-restraint to not go over there and have her in my arms. In less than 24 hours, she will be with us.
Yesterday was a full and tiring day. We first visited the Great Wall. As we drove along the flat valley of Beijing, knowing we were close to the Great Wall, out of no where beautiful lush mountains appeared and we caught our first glimpse of the Great Wall.
It was the most surreal feeling to be standing on the guard tower of such an ancient site, looking as far as the eye could see at the expanse of the Wall. I am not ashamed to admit that I did not make it far up the stairs. Each step was were extremely steep, about 18 inches tall (beat that step aerobics!) and were, at times, so narrow that we could climb up on only the balls of our feet. To get down we had to hold the railing and step sideways. Needless to say, we are all sore today.
Our next stop was to the Ming Tombs. Most in our group were disappointed that they didn't at least drag out the bodies or caskets, but we were all astonished at the treasures and formal wear that were unearthed and on display.
The picture that will hopefully load up completely is of the Summer Palace. It is one of my favorite pictures. We were riding on a dragon ferry across the lake as I took the shot. The Summer Palace was constructed for the "dragon lady- Cece" as a resort from the heat. It was mainly used as a prison for her husband from the years 1898 to 1908. Since he tried to escape several times, she eventually had brick walls installed at the entrance of his 4 room quarters. All of the rooms were locked but we were able to look into the windows of many of the 1000 room palace and view some of the original treasures and furniture.
I must be going now as I need to finish packing for our flight to Kunming. The next post you see will be of Brooklyn and her new family. Thank you all for your comments and support. They mean so much to read them.
At Mon Aug 28, 09:55:00 AM PDT ,
Anonymous said...
I'm so happy that you're in China and getting to see some of your little girl's birthplace. What great memories you're making to share with her later. Can't wait to see you with Brooklyn at last. Many hugs from here...
Barb (From AAI)
At Mon Aug 28, 11:33:00 AM PDT ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Ashley, I love logging on to read your updates. I can't believe you will have your baby by tomorrow. I just can't believe it! Lots of love from the states. Ha :)
At Mon Aug 28, 12:25:00 PM PDT ,
Anonymous said...
MCASH im so excited to see my new niece whenever you get back! I can't believe the day is finally here. Seems like we've been waiting for years.. oh wait.. we have! love you guys!!
At Mon Aug 28, 04:09:00 PM PDT ,
Anonymous said...
Oh Ashley...we cannot wait to hear from you!
Hugs and Love,
AAI board
At Mon Aug 28, 05:03:00 PM PDT ,
Anonymous said...
I think it's probably best that you did not risk serious injury the day before meeting Brooklyn. Not climbing the entire wall was a good call. I'm jealous of all that you are seeing over there. So much history. Wow.
I'll be thinking about you tomorrow... All my best, Heidi
At Mon Aug 28, 05:37:00 PM PDT ,
Anonymous said...
Dearest Ashley, I cannot believe that I am actually doing this. Believe me, if it weren't you, I wouldn't be here. I have loved every minute of reading your posts and everyone elses too. I miss you so much and think of you constantly. You are probably getting ready to go get Brooklyn within the hour because you are l3 hours ahead of us. Know that I am right there with you! Can't wait to see your next entry & picture.
I love you, Ashley. Give my love to Josh and Edward. I know you must be having the time of your lives. See you soon.
At Mon Aug 28, 08:21:00 PM PDT ,
Anonymous said...
Ashley, you are so close! The first time they put Brooklyn in your arms will be SURREAL. You'll practically gasp for air.
I'm so happy for you mommy!
annette aii board
At Mon Aug 28, 10:48:00 PM PDT ,
T said...
Yay! Not much longer!
At Tue Aug 29, 07:19:00 AM PDT ,
Anonymous said...
Okay, after you call at 11:00 at night and wake me up telling your mother that you have the baby, where's the picture? I don't want to wait until you wake up, get up and post the picture!
At Tue Aug 29, 10:19:00 AM PDT ,
Anonymous said...
Everyone is waiting for the pictures and blogs of you and Fulu! Wake up and put up the pictures!! we want to see! i love you guys!
At Tue Aug 29, 11:54:00 AM PDT ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Ashley,
We're all very excited to see Brooklyn's first photos with her new family. I hope you are loving China, it's incredible! We can't wait to meet little Brooklyn!
Eliza, Dawn, Holly and Carreen
At Tue Aug 29, 06:15:00 PM PDT ,
JinXiu said...
I cant wait until tomorrow to read all about Brooklyn
Good luck
Staci Jospey
At Tue Aug 29, 08:12:00 PM PDT ,
Anonymous said...
Ashley, I am so incredibly happy for you and your whole family. I can't wait to see that first picture of you holding your precious daughter! PPT for a safe, smooth trip home! Give Brooklyn hugs from all of us on the board!!!
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