Since I just typed out a nice long post for you and the computer decided to lose it, I will make this new typing brief.
Brooklyn is an absolute dream. She is no longer a hope, a distant dream, or a picture. She is really here with us. Edward and I just stare at her when we should be sleeping like her. She has attached very strongly to me and has had an easy adjustment. I had expected the transition to be difficult, but it hasn't been. She is an angel and loves her new family.
The girl is an eating machine. She has not stopped since we got her, and that is okay with us since she still has room to grow into her 12 month clothes. She is much smaller and lighter than we expected from her measurements. The weight and height must have been taken with her 74 layers of clothing on.
With each new hour she opens up more and more. We love seeing her sweet personality and hearing her laugh. AND! She took her first step today. I'm so glad we were able to be here for that first. Unbelieveable. I need to get back upstairs before Brooklyn wakes up from her nap and realizes I'm not there.
At Tue Aug 29, 08:27:00 PM PDT ,
Anonymous said...
Absolutely beautiful! I am so very happy for your family of four!! Your pictures are priceless, Ashley -- especially the one with Brooklyn and her big brother. I so look forward to reading about the rest of your journey. May God continue to bless you all!
Love ya!
At Tue Aug 29, 08:57:00 PM PDT ,
Anonymous said...
She is beautiful Ashley - as are your smiles! It is wonderful to see you all together at last!
Barb (from aai)
At Tue Aug 29, 09:01:00 PM PDT ,
Anonymous said...
ASHLEY!!!!!! She is absolutely adorable!! I could not be any happier than I am right now for you! You have waited so long and she is finally here! I can't wait to hear more, have a safe trip!
At Tue Aug 29, 09:25:00 PM PDT ,
Anonymous said...
Ashley! I'm so happy for you and your family! You finally have her! FINALLY!!! Many many hugs to you.
Love, Kellie (LDS Board)
At Tue Aug 29, 09:32:00 PM PDT ,
Anonymous said...
How wonderful! She is so pretty and it is lovely to see you with her. Congrats!
At Wed Aug 30, 03:39:00 AM PDT ,
jennpom said...
The smiles on your faces say it all! Congratulations. Jenn (from adopting after infertility board)
At Wed Aug 30, 05:02:00 AM PDT ,
Anonymous said...
Well the day has finally come! What a cutie I can't wait til she get home. Now if I can figure out how to get rid of the 423 cookbooks that I bought!!!!
At Wed Aug 30, 05:13:00 AM PDT ,
Melanie said...
Oh Ashley - Brooklyn is such a cutie!! I'm sure you and Edward are on cloud 9 right now... Enjoy the moment and your time in China :) BIG HUGS from an adoptive mother, to another....
Lots of love to you all,
Melanie xo
At Wed Aug 30, 06:08:00 AM PDT ,
Mary, Jason, & Maya said...
Oh, I am just so excited for you!!! She is amazing!!! You all look so happy. Have the best time enjoying these first few days as a family in Brooklyn's birthplace.
Mary (Maya's mom)
At Wed Aug 30, 06:20:00 AM PDT ,
Anonymous said...
Yea!!! I am so glad that you were able to send us pics! It looks like you all are having a great time with your new addition! Big brother looks like he is having fun too!
At Wed Aug 30, 06:24:00 AM PDT ,
Anonymous said...
Ashley she is just beautiful and you all look so happy. Glad to hear all is going so well. Enjoy each moment with your precious daughter.
Michelle (from AAI)
At Wed Aug 30, 06:30:00 AM PDT ,
Kim said...
Ashley, I am so excited for you. I pulled up your blog today and as soon as I saw you pictures it brought tears to my eyes!! I am glad that your prayers have finally been answered. Have a safe trip home.
At Wed Aug 30, 06:33:00 AM PDT ,
Anonymous said...
I am so happy for you and your family. Brooklyn is so beautiful and I can see why you would just sit and stare. I pray you have a safe trip home.
God Bless
Mary Ann
At Wed Aug 30, 08:56:00 AM PDT ,
Lynda said...
Ashley, I am so happy for you. You finally have Brooklyn in your arms. Enjoy every minute of it.
Lynda (from aai board)
At Wed Aug 30, 11:38:00 AM PDT ,
Anonymous said...
Oh Ashley, you finally have her!!!
I laughed about the "eating machine", Anita was the same way!!!
They grow so fast. Don't buy too many clothes.
All the best to you. She's beautiful.
At Wed Aug 30, 02:08:00 PM PDT ,
Anonymous said...
Wahoo! It's finally YOUR turn Ashley! You've made it! Brooklyn is the perfect addition to your family. Congratulations!!
At Wed Aug 30, 02:15:00 PM PDT ,
Anonymous said...
Wow, Ashley, what a gorgeous sight! I'm thrilled to see you and her finally together. It's good to hear she's adjusting so well. Enjoy the rest of your trip and congratulations again!
Love, Traci
At Wed Aug 30, 04:32:00 PM PDT ,
Anonymous said...
There she is! Yay!!!! I'm so, so happy for you all, and for Brooklyn to be with her family! Glad to hear how well the transition is going. What a blessing! (((HUGS)))
At Wed Aug 30, 05:37:00 PM PDT ,
Anonymous said...
Congratulations!!! She's perfect. I'w so happy for you, I really am.
Much love, Heidi
At Wed Aug 30, 06:14:00 PM PDT ,
T said...
Yay! Big congrats! She's absolutely adorable! And how cool that you got to see her take her first step! Travel home safely!
At Wed Aug 30, 06:34:00 PM PDT ,
Anonymous said...
Congrats! I'm so glad that you are finally there and that you have your daughter! Woohoo!
Jen (LDS board)
At Wed Aug 30, 07:19:00 PM PDT ,
Anonymous said...
To the Ballantyne Family,
We are so overjoyed for you all! I talked to your Mom this morning and she caught me up on what was going on in China---of course, I cried! (I wasn't able to get on the blog for a few days while I was traveling for work.) I simply can't tell you how very happy I am for all of you. You have your complete family now, Ash!!! Your pictures are absolutely beautiful of all of you...everyone looks so fulfilled and happy! The picture of Josh and Brooklyn made me laugh and cry! You have two gorgeous children...and they have two wonderful parents. All my love to you now and always, Aunt Dawn
At Wed Aug 30, 08:25:00 PM PDT ,
Anonymous said...
I am so happy to see you all together. I am grateful for this blog so we can all be a part of this exciting time for your family. Congrats! We love you and wish you well until we see you again. We love you all so much.
At Wed Aug 30, 08:34:00 PM PDT ,
Anonymous said...
Oh Ashley, I am crying all over my lap top seeing you four! Such a long wait and so many obstacles but now you have your baby girl in your arms. Enjoy every minute and safe travels home.
And I have a bunch of barely worn/never worn size 18-24 month CUTE clothes to send you, Miss Ariel is growing like a weed.
Love and hugs to you all!
Kelli, Andy and Ariel Faith
At Wed Aug 30, 08:40:00 PM PDT ,
Anonymous said...
Major congratulations. I'm so proud of you for sticking this out and finally getting your dreams fulfilled. Have a bunch of fun, we miss you though.
Love, Mark & Jennifer
At Thu Aug 31, 09:39:00 AM PDT ,
JinXiu said...
she is absolutely beautiful. I am so happy for you
staci Jospey
At Thu Aug 31, 04:23:00 PM PDT ,
Anonymous said...
oh Ashley!!! she is so totally BEAUTIFUL!!!! I LOVE the picture of Brooklyn and her big BROTHER together! how priceless is that?!?!
Im so happy for you honey!
At Fri Sep 01, 07:28:00 PM PDT ,
Lisa said...
Oh that is just too sweet I'm so glad it has all worked out. All the hard work has paid off. can not wait to meet her Davis family
At Tue Sep 05, 12:44:00 PM PDT ,
Wendy said...
I thought I posted before, but I don't see it...so, happy belelated Congratulations!!!
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